The following are letters to my little girl. Right now she is still kicking in my belly. But every day I think of new things that I want to teach her and show her. Things to prepare her for the crazy world she is about to dive head first, literally:) To our sweet little Madeline, our treasure and joy.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wisdom Wednesday: Creatures of Habit

I recently read an article that I really liked:  And I may touch parts of it at a time with posts in the leading weeks.

But today I will focus on one of the lines:

We are Creatures of Habit.

A few weeks ago testimony meeting had this sort of theme and I got up and spoke of the following.. with some extensions...

Organized religion is often looked down on by various individuals of our society.  The question is why? What could be wrong with a group of people in a community coming together on a regular basis sharing there similar beliefs, supporting each other to create better habits and grow closer to God?

The answer, judgement. Perhaps feeling judged, looked down on etc when being among others and working on changing ourselves... because, no one likes to admit they make mistakes. And by admitting we are not perfect and need help in any kind of setting exposes our inner insecurities in a way... if we let ourselves think of it that way...  Mistakes are what make us weak right? Wrong!!! Nothing can be further from the truth. And anyway, if there is someone who is judgmental... well... I say don't let a silly  nincompoop get in the way of the joy and happiness the gospel and the spirit and feelings of peace bring. ...

Recently I saw a picture with the words "Heaven will never be filled with those that have never made a mistake..."  Because we are all sinners. We are STUPID! AND FORGETFUL and then STUPID again!  EVERYONE has made dumb choices in their life. I am sooooooo happy to have the atonement of Jesus Christ to use as a way to fix up the things that I have done and become better from it. And yes we will make dumb mistakes again but if we do not use the atonement, we will be walking on egg shells and when we do make a mistake we will CRACK! The point is to be resilient.. not to say, " I will sin then repent later..." Nope... but to do our best to Choose the Right, but when we do mess up, to know that God is there for us.

Satan works in Two very strong ways.

The first is that we will never be good enough for the Gospel. That when we have made too many mistakes that we should be cast out and never to return.

The second is that we are better than his Gospel.  The wisdom of the world knows better. Science know better, philosophy knows better. God is the greatest scholar there is.  That is that!

Satan know us all very well too. He knew there would be those that would not be driven away from the gospel by big things but even just the small ones.  Even so, they do not feel small to us.

Which brings me back to when I shared my testimony on organized religion.

As I said we are forgetful people. We need every little device to help us remember all the little and big things in our life.

At Christmas I teased my sister when she got a reminder buzz on her phone to drink water.  But then, I guess I am a hypocrite... I too forget to drink enough water, spiritual or otherwise.

Faith is a muscle! We must work it out regularly or else we will end up 'Skinny Fat' (as Matt's old female co-workers use to call it lol) hahaha.  I know, terrible analogy, but I couldn't resist. Anyway, we will loose our strength to get through the difficult things in life in a healthy way. (And by unhealthy I mean other things to deal with stress... drugs and alcohol, to even the less dramatic seeming ones... like distractions, and there are sooo many: Internet, Money, Vanity, Hobbies... and all the other things that are so important in the worlds eyes of here and now... There are so many 'addictions' in the world as means to deal with stress)

What did you eat for dinner Tuesday before last?  Do you remember.  Maybe if you pull up your google calendar and happen to be that organized, if so I am jealous. The point is, is that you likely have forgotten, but regardless it gave you nourishment. Nourishment gives us strength.  Going to church is our weekly much needed spiritual feast. (Though we need our daily bread too:)

There are those that are starving.  I personally am a GROUCH when I am hungry! Matt knows haha.  I fuss about my empty stomach and when it growls I too growl... I am short and feisty. A side that Matt usually gets the pleasure to witness! Anyway, sometimes... ok almost every time, lately, with 9am church, I am a starving grouch! Getting up early, feeding the baby and myself if there is time, and if not than well ya know, then getting ready with clothes that actually match... getting stuff for our primary kids ready etc.  Anyway we are late, befuzzeled, tired and irritable to say the least.  But most of all, I am hungry!

Well, every week without fail, we leave church Spiritually fed. We feel content, at peace, refreshed and nourished. Listening to the primary children sing, to the various lessons and through prayer, testimony and music the spirit knocks one over the head... but in a sort of comforting way :)  Saying, "SLOW down, everything is going to be alright." Clarity comes to the mind and God's love is there.

We are creatures of habit for sure! It is so easy to say yes to everything else besides Spiritual things... because they seem more fun or are just tempting, like sleeping in. And we put it in the back of our minds with the side thought of "Oh... next week... next time... later..." Well, I am really good at this.  But in general, I often make the mistake of thinking there will always be enough time.

Here are some habits that I would like to form/ work on:

- FHE once a week
- Visiting the Temple once a Month
- Daily Scriptures.... even just 1 chapter!
- Screen Free Sunday

Until next time, Love, Mom

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